About Suzanne
Treatment Specialties
Client Comments
Contact Suzanne
In Vision Concept Cards

Clinical Supervision & Professional Consultation

Suzanne is a Certified Eating Disorders Specialist (CEDS) and an Approved Supervisor in Eating Disorders through the International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals (IAEDP). She is also a Maryland Board Approved Supervisor in Clinical Social Work. Suzanne is available for consultations and clinical supervisions and offers phone consultations for mental health professionals regarding their clients with eating disorders.

Educational Seminars & Training

Suzanne conducts workshops on using In Vision Concept Cards, her innovative new tool for helping clients learn concepts and themes that address life’s choices, challenges and changes. These educational seminars target audiences that include health professionals, psychotherapists, educators, life coaches and business leaders. Suzanne also provides seminars and training for professionals on a variety of mental health, relationship and eating disorder related topics. A former elementary school teacher, she also offers teacher training and in-service CEU’s.

Public Speaking & Workshops

Suzanne is available for workshops and speaking engagements for the general public. Informative and engaging, her workshops cover a variety of topics, including: depression, anxiety, eating disorders, communication problems between the sexes, parenting concerns and adolescent issues. Over the years she has been a featured speaker and facilitator for community organizations, church and synagogue groups, businesses and schools across the country. To see a list of upcoming events click here.